Fabric : 11oz denim
Style: Five handmade buckles
款式: 手工製前五扣
Sleeve : Long
Color : Vintage / stone washed / dark blue
顏色:深藍 / 懷舊 / 洗水
• Select a standard size from our chart
( Size80 / Size90 / Size100 / Size110 / Size120 / Size130 )
or Custom Made
• 客人可按碼數選購
(如: 80碼 / 90碼 / 100碼 / 110碼 / 120碼 / 130碼 )
或 提供度身呎碼訂製
* Limited stock* 為保持其獨特性,每款旗袍只作限量生產
SKU: 2221V
Payment menthod 付款方式
• We accept FPS, Paypal, Payme, Alipay, WeChat Pay , Visa, Master or bank transfer (for Hong Kong and Macau customer Only)
您可以選擇 轉數快 , Paypal , PayMe, 支付寶, 微信支付, 信用卡 或 銀行過戶 ( 只限香港匯豐銀行 / 澳門中國銀行 )
• You feel free to ask order details via email or whatsapp (+852 92203320) with our customer service staff